Summer Academy


Our College Readiness Outreach Program is designed to provide guidance and academic counseling to facilitate students learning potential and college success.

Making the transition to college can be daunting for some, CROP will make it easier and more enjoyable for students to gain the necessary skills that will make them more confident in their academic pursuits. We are looking forward to enrolling the next BOAR to our family and this program will make students one step closer.

Students can develop additional important skills needed such as time management, good study skills, organization,independence, and motivation. CROP will develop their passion to pursue their purpose.

CROP will enhance proficiency in Math, English, Biology and Computer; as well as immerse them in the BAMSI experience: marine, environmental, agriculture, agribusiness and entrepreneurship. Hands on practical sessions and field trips will surely stimulate their engagement. The program is centered around sustainability and teaching students the importance of making responsible choices to preserve our natural environment. CROP runs during the Summer for one month.

Contact and enroll today

Due to COVID this session of CROP will focus on the proficiency skills in a virtual environment.


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